
If you're a sub-org who wants to join, please read the information for sub-orgs.

CVE Binary Tool

The CVE Binary Tool is a free, open source tool to help you find known vulnerabilities in software, using data from the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) list of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). The tool can function as a binary scanner or check a known component list. It is intended to be used as part of your continuous integration system to enable regular vulnerability scanning and give you early warning of known issues in your supply chain.


Activeloop is the Database for AI company. Its open-source package, Hub, is a dataset format for AI enabling building, managing, & streaming datasets real-time to PyTorch & TensorFlow. Hub also enables version-control, querying, and instant visualization of datasets.


DFFML aims to democratize machine learning. It makes feature engineering, dataset storage, model training, and model deployment simple and easy. Its wide selection of model and dataset storage plugins enable developers of all backgrounds to play with and add machine learning to their projects.

EOS Design System

EOS UX/UI Solutions is a community of developers and designers that create solutions to help the open source word deliver more user-friendly and user-centric applications. Our main projects are EOS Icons and User Story. We have a total of 14 repositories and over 200 members in our slack channel.


FURY is a free and open-source software library for scientific visualization and 3D animations. FURY contains many tools for visualizing a series of scientific data including graphs and imaging data. FURY is participating in GSoC this year for the first time under the umbrella of the Python Software Foundation (PSF)

GNU Mailman

The Mailman project develops the GNU Mailman mailing list manager. Our goals are RFC conformance and powerful convenient tools for subscribers, moderators, list owners, domain administrators, and site administrators of mailing lists.


LPython is an ahead-of-time compiler for Python, that can compile to binaries as well as execute code interactively. The goal is excdellent runtime performance in Release mode as well as speed of compilation in Debug mode.


MNE-Python software is an open-source Python package for exploring, visualizing, and analyzing human neurophysiological data such as MEG, EEG, sEEG, ECoG, and more. It includes modules for data input/output, preprocessing, visualization, source estimation, time-frequency analysis, connectivity analysis, machine learning, and statistics.

MSS - Mission Support System

MSS is a web service based client/server application to plan atmospheric research flights. The Mission Support System (MSS) is a software that is written by scientists in the field of atmospheric science. The purpose is to have a tool that simplifies the process for planning a scientific flight in which parameters of the atmosphere are measured. The research aircrafts typically carry a comprehensive scientific payload comprised of data aquisition instruments by different companies and research institutions. The measurement of relevant parameters, for example the chemical composition of trace gases, temperature or aerosol particle characteristics, are needed to improve the scientific understanding of the processes in the atmosphere. This is of significant importance for the understanding for example of climate change or the recovery of the ozone hole.


PyElastica is the python implementation of Elastica, a free and open-source software project for the simulation of assemblies of slender, one-dimensional bodies using Cosserat rod theory, which provides a powerful and versatile framework for modeling the dynamics of slender structures interacting among themselves and with their environment. We are focused on providing useful simulation tools to the robotics and biomechanics communities to model, control, and visualize how these slender structures evolve and interact.

Python Argentina

Projects: online programming course (education), packaging tool, library for government API (invoicing) and a web-app for lawyers. Easy to intermediate ideas, with entry level proposals and good first issues! (English speaking mentors available) Python Argentina Civil Association (A.C.PyAr) is a formal non-profit organization of programmers with focus on community projects, mainly for Spanish-speakers & Latin Americans Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world, and our countries often lacks open source software to fulfill regional needs. Our projects want to facilitate tools and resources to students, enthusiasts and professionals, so it is easier to learn and use Python in this region of the world. Also, many of our projects can be extended to other situations, contributing back to the international community.

Python Software Foundation GSoC Team

Under the Python Software Foundation (PSF) the GSoC Team has ran a GSoC umbrella organization for the Python language. This sub-org is being used to sponsor tools for the PSF GSoC team, specifically tools for managing GSoC from diverse sub-orgs for PSF. At this time, Python is NOT sponsoring any projects related to the development of the language -- but we're looking for mentors if you want to run such a project. We are accepting at most one contributor this year, as such we recommend applying to other sub-organizations. You can find the other organizations on the Project Ideas page.

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SciPy provides algorithms for optimization, integration, interpolation, eigenvalue problems, algebraic equations, differential equations, statistics and many other classes of problems. SciPy wraps highly-optimized implementations written in low-level languages like Fortran, C, and C++. Enjoy the flexibility of Python with the speed of compiled code.


Zyte (formerly Scrapinghub) is a company focused on information retrieval and its later manipulation.


Towhee is a flexible, application-oriented framework for running machine learning (ML) pipelines. It is a Python project that aims to make greatly simple anything2vec, allowing everyone - from beginner developers to large organizations - to deploy complex pipelines with just a few lines of code. It has become a common practice among the industry to drive data applications with neural network models. Applications involving embedding can be seen in all walks of life, such as product recommender system, copyright protection, data management, software security, new drug discovery, finance, insurance, etc. Despite the fact that the concept of “embed everything” has prevailed in academia and industry in recent years, how to embed unstructured data reasonably and efficiently based on business needs is still an urgent problem that has not yet been resolved. The idea of the Towhee project is to sweep out those obstacles and make MLops significantly easier.

Friends of the PSF

Here's some more interesting organizations that use Python!

  • TARDIS TARDIS is an open-source Monte Carlo radiative-transfer spectral synthesis code for 1D models of supernova ejecta. It is designed for rapid spectral modelling of supernovae. It is developed and maintained by a multi-disciplinary team iincluding software engineers, computer scientists, statisticians, and astrophysicists.